Sudden Cardiac Death is a Must-know First Aid

Source:Health and safety housekeeper
Release Time:2022-09-07

Sudden death from cardiac causes, known as sudden cardiac death, is caused by sudden cardiac arrest, which causes an immediate stop in blood circulation.

1. sudden cardiac death

1)Auscultation heart sounds disappear.

2)No pulse, no blood pressure.

3)Sudden loss of consciousness or convulsions.

4)The breath breaks and sighs, then stops.


6)Dilated pupils.

During cardiac arrest, the ECG may show ventricular arrest, very slow and ineffective ventricular autonomic rhythm, and ventricular fibrillation.

Most sudden cardiac death is caused by coronary heart disease.

2. Management of sudden cardiac death In the event of sudden cardiac death, simple CPR should be performed immediately.

CPR, which involves punching the chest, heart compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing.

The boxing chest method is to clench the right fist against the sternum midpoint to punch two times, this strong stimulation can stimulate the ventricular pulsation, so that the stopped heart function.

If chest punches fail twice, start chest compressions immediately.

External chest cardiac compression method:

Is the patient supine, back pad with a hard plate, the right hand will be placed under the patient's sternum 1/3 place, the left hand on the right hand, force the lower part of the sternum pressure to the spine, so that the sternum down 3 ~ 4 cm, the heart is squeezed between the sternum and the spine, and the blood in the heart cavity is discharged, then the wrist is relaxed, the sternum due to the elasticity of the chest and the reduction of negative chest pressure, To return venous blood to the heart.

So repeated press, about 60 to 70 times per minute.

Press with even force, avoid violence. Otherwise easy to cause rib fracture and internal damage.

Press whether effective, can feel the femoral artery pulse in the root of the thigh, if there is a pulse pulse, it is proved to be effective.

Mouth-to-mouth breathing must be performed while the heart is pressing.

Mouth-to-mouth breathing:

The method is to tilt the patient's head back, raise the chin, keep the airway smooth, the performer will hold the patient's nose in one hand, take a deep breath, close to the patient's mouth, blow hard, then the patient's chest slightly raised, and then due to the chest's own elasticity to breathe out, so repeated action, 16 ~ 18 times per minute.

If the patient does not resuscitate the heart and breathe on his own, simple resuscitation should continue until the doctor takes over, such as electric shock defibrillation, intravenous administration of drugs, tracheal intubation artificial respiration, etc., should not be abandoned.

Sudden cardiac death can occur anywhere. The key to resuscitation is early recognition and early rescue. Early recognition of the heart sound and blood pressure is not easy to do, can be used to pat the patient to see the consciousness, the other hand at the same time touch the carotid artery or femoral artery pulse method, conducive to early recognition. The early rescue should emphasize the word "immediately". Therefore, we should carry out the necessary technique training at ordinary times to facilitate the accurate and effective rescue.

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